What are the 72 Genders?

Besides male and female, there are 72 genders. At 72gender.com, we strive to foster a supportive and informative community, where individuals can explore and appreciate the depth of gender variation. Our platform serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking knowledge and acceptance regarding these diverse gender identities. We firmly believe that respecting an individual’s self-identified gender is a fundamental aspect of affirming their identity and fostering a more inclusive society. Through education and empathy, we can contribute to a world where everyone’s gender journey is recognized and celebrated.

All 72 genders

Information about the 72 genders

Latest blogs

No Doubts! Love Yourself As You Are

No Doubts! Love Yourself As You Are

In a world that constantly bombards us with unrealistic ideals and standards, the journey to self-acceptance can be challenging. However, the key to unlocking true happiness and fulfillment lies in embracing your authenticity and loving yourself exactly as you are. In...

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The Power of Self-Love in the LGBTQ+ Community

The Power of Self-Love in the LGBTQ+ Community

In a world that often imposes standards and expectations on us, embracing self-love becomes an act of defiance and empowerment. For the LGBTQ+ community, this journey holds even greater significance, as it involves not only overcoming external negativity but also...

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Celebrating Over 90 Blogs on Gender Identity, LGBTQ+, and More!

At 72gender.com, we're thrilled to announce a major milestone in our commitment to fostering knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of gender diversity and LGBTQ+ experiences. We have now published over 90 insightful blogs on topics ranging from gender identity exploration to LGBTQ+ issues, and we couldn't be prouder of our growing contribution to the community.

Our blogs delve deep into the intricacies of gender identity, offering a wealth of information, personal stories, and resources for those seeking to expand their understanding. From discussing the challenges faced by transgender individuals to exploring the intersections of race and gender, we aim to provide a platform that addresses diverse perspectives and experiences.

We understand the importance of representation and inclusivity, and through our blog posts, we aim to amplify voices from the LGBTQ+ community and beyond. We're committed to being a source of support and education, and we're excited to continue growing our platform to serve you better.

Thank you for being part of our journey as we celebrate this achievement. Together, we're making strides toward a more inclusive and empathetic world. Stay tuned for even more engaging content as we continue to explore the ever-evolving landscape of gender identity and LGBTQ+ issues.

At what age does a child understand gender identity?

Your child may have questions about gender identity at any stage of life:


Age 2 to 3

Children this age know the difference between boys and girls. They can see themselves as a girl or a boy regardless of their sexual anatomy. They can even accept other genders who are still normal and healthy.


Age 4 to 5

At this age, children understand their gender identity. But as we age, we become more aware of gender roles, expectations, and stereotypes. For example, we believe that certain toys and clothes are only for boys or girls. At this age, your child may begin to express their gender more confidently. B. Prefers or dislikes wearing dresses every day.


Age 6 to 7

Children become more confident in themselves and their gender identities and are less afraid to express their gender. However, children who identify themselves as different from the gender they were assigned at birth may experience social anxiety and stress when they realize they don't fit into either category.

Gender identity

Gender identity, gender expression and non-binarity

Not all children feel like boys or girls, and not all adults feel like men or women. That's what gender identity is. Gender identity describes how someone feels about their body. This is independent of biological sex. Biological sex is the sexual organs that a person is born with. Also, some people are born with biological gender differences. After giving birth, it is not always clear whether it will be a boy or a girl. This is also called intersex. Gender expression refers to how one expresses one's gender identity. This has to do with how someone dresses or behaves, for example. This could be a 'typical girl' or a 'typical boy', but all variations are possible.

72 genders summarized in one list

72 Gender list

All genders are summarized in one list by 72gender.com. Read a description of each gender here and perhaps there is some form of recognition.

72 genders summarized in one chart

72 Gender chart

All genders are summarized in one graph by 72gender.com. Read here which genders are in the chart and view their symbols.


Psychological gender

Gender represents aspects of gender behavior and identity that are distinct from physical and biological aspects.


Gender expression refers to the way you express your gender experience: what roles do you take on in daily life? What clothes do you wear? How do you behave towards others? Gender expression is what the outside world sees of you, as opposed to gender identity which is invisible and takes place inside.


Being romantically and/or sexually attracted to other people is called sexual/romantic preference or sexual/romantic orientation. A distinction is often made between LGB (gay, lesbian, bi) and straight, but there are many more expressions of a person’s sexual orientation. Think of pansexuality, asexuality, and so on.


Gender is a social construction and refers to the cultural, social and psychological interpretation of femininity and masculinity within a society. It includes all expectations, values and norms that we associate with a particular gender. This interpretation is highly context- and time-dependent.

Discover your gender

Identity, expression, attraction and sex

Gender is something everyone thinks they understand, but for most it's complicated. Gender is not binary, it is not either/or. Often it is and/and. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

People are often hesitant to ask questions about sexuality and gender in surveys. What if I say the wrong thing or use the wrong terminology? What if I offend someone? These are understandable concerns.

Have you ever questioned your gender identity?

As gender diversity becomes more visible, individuals have room to explore their gender experience. Cissexism and biases often challenge our preconceived notions. Realizing things can be different can be overwhelming, yet liberating. Gender exploration has no right or wrong feelings. We can question and rediscover gender at any age. It's a lifelong process of self-discovery. Gender is fluid and changes over time. There's no definitive guide or solution. Deliberate self-reflection reveals formative experiences and biases. Thinking allows space for discovery.