Gender Fluid or Gender Fluidity
The translation of the words ‘genderfluid’ or ‘gender fluidity’ is really not appropriate. It means something like “liquid sex”. In fact, the point is that people cannot be simply divided into men and women. There are many variations between men and women. Genderfluid is a term that refers to people who do not feel fully male or female. You feel more or less feminine or masculine. And it can vary from day to day.
A non-binary person is not familiar with a male or female “binary” box. Non-binary is actually a term, used for all genders outside the male/female dichotomy. For example, some nonbinary people identify themselves as genderqueer, a gender, or genderfluid. Some nonbinary people call themselves transgender.
Non-binary people often use a different form of address than their own. Many non-binary people use them and their as a form of address. There are many different forms of addresses used by non-binary people. If you don’t know how someone wants to be dealt with, you can always ask.




What is Gender fluid?
Being gendered yourself can be confusing. Confused about what I am or what I want to be. For example, you were born male, but there are days when you feel more or less like a woman. Then you might get the idea that you should always feel like a man or a woman because that is normal in society. Sometimes you have to contend with people around you who don’t respond well. Of course, you just choose how you feel. And it doesn’t matter if that can change from day to day. But it is understandable that you have to find your way in it.
Overall, this quest can lead to a lot of tension and stress. Is this your case? Then I encourage you to share these concerns with someone. No matter how difficult it is, it’s good to talk about what’s going on in your head.
Discover your gender

Gender identity
The term ‘gender identity’ (also called ‘psychic identity’) refers to the inner gender experience of feeling man/boy, woman/girl, alternately or (neither) both. Gender identities are usually divided into two large groups: cisgender and transgender.
- Expression
- Identity
- attraction
- Sex
Have you ever questioned your gender identity?
As gender diversity becomes more visible, individuals have room to explore their gender experience. Cissexism and biases often challenge our preconceived notions. Realizing things can be different can be overwhelming, yet liberating. Gender exploration has no right or wrong feelings. We can question and rediscover gender at any age. It's a lifelong process of self-discovery. Gender is fluid and changes over time. There's no definitive guide or solution. Deliberate self-reflection reveals formative experiences and biases. Thinking allows space for discovery.